Happy Birthday Stephen King!

How bold is it to write about the birthday of a great writer? Definitely one of the best in generations, and perhaps the greatest of this generation? I am sure Stephen King will never read this, so I feel it is not so bold.

For any lover of literature, books, stories, especially fantasy, Stephen King is a must! Sadly, not until I was 21 and a graduate student did I not even know who Stephen King was till I ran into the “It” Teleseries from the ’90s and was enamored by the horror and storytelling.

Still it wasn’t until years later after I first read some of his short stories and watched a couple of movies, did I start falling seriously for Stephen King and his writing. The first turning point was in The Langoliers. I found the movie to be really awesome, and it wasn’t until years later that I found out he had a cameo in that and many other movies.

As I became more interested in apocalypse fiction, I picked up the audiobook version of Cell in 2016 or thereabouts, and there has been no looking back since!

I now have listened to It, The Stand, the ENTIRE Dark Tower series and so on and on she goes! I believe in life lists and not bucket lists, and I want to read every book Stephen King has written! I found Fairy Tale on my Scribd account yesterday and started listening to it! Little did I know that Stephen King’s birthday was around the corner!

Something for my fellow readers!

This post itself came to be because of the folks at Mental Floss, who put together a wonderful post with 75 facts about Stephen King for his birthday. I knew some and had fun with the rest. Here you go!


Happy Birthday Stephen King! 

All in all, mere words, poorly chiseled by me, in front of your mastery, can never express the sense of gratitude and awe, or the sincerity when I wish you a Happy Birthday, but rest assured, the sentiment is there! May your clock turn many a dial, and may you yet, write many a wonderful book and scare, thrill and inspire readers across many generations!


1. Stephen King Cover Image: https://stephenking.com/the-author/

2. Image of Stephen King in The Langoliers and others: https://bloody-disgusting.com/news/3438824/heres-every-stephen-king-cameo-king-adaptation/

3. Birthday Card: https://www.pexels.com/photo/open-birthday-greeting-card-near-pen-2072149/