Literatus? Bibliophile? Bibliomaniac? The Book Lovers’ Day arrives again!!

It is somewhat fun for days of celebration to return each year. I believe I learned about the National or International Book Lovers Day last year. It would appear, I then set a calendar reminder, when to read tens of books, buy dozens more and add about a 100 or more to my evergrowing lists of books to read.

I also bought a book, posted on this blog, and proceeded to tell myself, I would write on here a lot more. However, things happen, and that particular thing abstained from the aforementioned list of things that happen. I wished Stephen King a Happy 75th Birthday, and that was it. Alas, earlier this year, I found out I won’t be able to bestow the same wishes and honors on my own father, among the core of individuals that set me on this path of bibliomania.

However, I have listened to a LOT of books, even though I have been distracted by my other fare of “reading” materials, ranging from books, magazines, brochures, audiobooks, blog articles, billboards, store names, captions, emails, spam…you name it, I would read it. This was a habit that started when I was a kid and 2 scores of years later, it still seems to be the way things are.

I do sometimes wish I had written more, at least to reduce the disproportionality with my reading. Yes, I did co-author a paper this year, but there simply is so much happening, sometimes, it is becoming harder and harder. Yes, I am over there mentoring and telling people about The Power of Habits and Atomic Habits, except, I only managed to read about 40% of the latter. Now, there’s a joke for you.

And what have I done? Spent more money on books, newspapers and online subscriptions galore! Then again, the hope and desire is for long-term house arrest or the ability to download my brain somewhere is still persistent, so someday, somehow, I may get to that list. For now, here’s another book purchased, and looking forward to more reading, reading, and…